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What is Looksmaxxing? Unpacking the Trend

May 31, 2024

What is Looksmaxxing and Why is it Gaining Attention?

Looksmaxxing is an increasingly visible trend predominantly among young men. It involves using various methods to enhance physical attractiveness to its utmost potential. As defined, looksmaxxing extends from simple grooming routines to more extreme measures like cosmetic surgery, reflecting a growing obsession with achieving the ideal aesthetic form.

"Looksmaxxing claims to be about maximizing one's appearance with a set of highly prescribed criteria, focusing on features like jawlines and eyes," explains an article on the phenomenon. This trend, deeply embedded within the incel subculture, reveals a troubling intersection between desire for attractiveness and societal pressures.

The Origins of Looksmaxxing

The term 'looksmaxxing' traces its roots back to online forums within the 'manosphere', a culture that often links success with extreme physical aesthetics. Originally popularized on sites known for fostering the incel subculture, looksmaxxing has evolved from a niche internet phenomenon to a widespread social media trend, particularly on platforms like TikTok. Its history is a stark reminder of how deeply entwined physical appearance and self-worth have become in digital spaces.

Looksmaxxing AI Apps vs. BestLOOK AI

While various looksmaxxing AI apps offer advice on enhancing physical features, they often exacerbate insecurities. These apps typically analyze a user’s facial features and suggest enhancements based on rigid beauty standards, which can promote harmful perceptions of attractiveness. Furthermore, these standards frequently reflect toxic masculine ideals, pushing an unattainable image of masculinity that can be damaging to one's self-esteem and mental health.

Contrastingly, BestLOOK AI operates on a fundamentally different premise. Powered by over 3 million human opinions, BestLOOK AI offers a balanced and realistic perspective on beauty. "Our AI isn’t just analyzing; it's integrating a diverse range of human perceptions, which makes our recommendations uniquely personal and attuned to real-world standards," explains the BestLOOK team. This approach ensures that suggestions for enhancing one’s appearance foster confidence and celebrate individuality without adhering to damaging, unrealistic beauty norms.

Psychological and Social Implications of Looksmaxxing

The psychological impact of relentless self-optimization can be severe. Dr. Stuart Murray, an expert in the field, notes, "Engaging in looksmaxxing practices can lead to an obsessive focus on perceived flaws, significantly affecting mental health." This obsession often escalates into chronic dissatisfaction and poor self-esteem. Societally, looksmaxxing encourages a cycle where only the most extreme forms of beauty are celebrated, further marginalizing those who do not or cannot conform to these narrow standards. The result is a societal beauty monoculture that diminishes the rich diversity of human appearances, reinforcing harmful stereotypes and excluding many from the conversation on beauty.

Legal and Ethical Concerns

Looksmaxxing presents significant legal and ethical dilemmas, particularly when minors are involved. The pressure to undergo risky, often irreversible procedures to fit an artificial ideal raises serious questions about consent and the exploitation of youth insecurities by profit-driven entities. These practices can also intensify body dysmorphia and other mental health issues, highlighting the need for stricter regulations and ethical guidelines within the cosmetic enhancement industry.

A Call for Change

To combat the damaging impacts of looksmaxxing, it is crucial for society to redefine and expand the standards of beauty. By promoting diversity in beauty and supporting platforms like BestLOOK, which offers realistic and inclusive aesthetics, we can help mitigate the trend's negative effects on young people's self-esteem and mental health. BestLOOK is launching the #uniquefaces challenge to encourage individuals to celebrate their natural beauty and resist conforming to unrealistic beauty ideals. This initiative aims to foster a more accepting and diverse discussion about beauty, emphasizing that true attractiveness comes from embracing one's unique features.

To further understand the concept, read our detailed article on what is facial harmony and its importance in aesthetic beauty.

And For more insights into how AI is reshaping perceptions of beauty in healthier ways, check out our other blog article, "Medium Ugly: Can AI Fix Our Relationship with Beauty?".


1. What is Looksmaxxing?

Looksmaxxing is the practice of individuals attempting to enhance their physical attractiveness through various means. While it can include basic grooming and fitness, it often extends to more extreme measures such as cosmetic surgery, specialized diets, and rigorous beauty regimens.

2. How did Looksmaxxing originate?

Looksmaxxing originated from online communities, particularly those associated with the "manosphere" and incel (involuntarily celibate) groups. These communities discussed ways to enhance physical appearance to increase their attractiveness and social value, which over time evolved into a broader social media trend.

3. What are common methods used in Looksmaxxing?

Common methods in looksmaxxing include skincare routines, fitness programs, dietary changes, cosmetic dentistry, and surgical procedures like rhinoplasty or jawline enhancement. Non-surgical methods such as "mewing" (a technique to reshape the jaw by positioning the tongue against the roof of the mouth) are also popular.

4. Who typically engages in Looksmaxxing?

Looksmaxxing is predominantly pursued by young men, though it is gaining traction among all genders. Participants are often influenced by societal pressures and a desire to enhance their "sexual market value" to achieve greater social and professional success.

5. Is Looksmaxxing safe?

The safety of looksmaxxing depends on the methods employed. Simple lifestyle changes like improved skincare or fitness are generally safe, but more extreme measures, especially surgical interventions, carry risks and should be approached with caution and professional guidance.

6. What are the psychological effects of Looksmaxxing?

Looksmaxxing can have mixed psychological effects. While some may experience increased confidence from their enhancements, others may develop an unhealthy obsession with their appearance, leading to issues like body dysmorphic disorder or severe mental distress.

7. How is Looksmaxxing viewed in society?

Society's view on looksmaxxing is divided. Some see it as a personal choice and an extension of self-improvement, while others criticize it for perpetuating unrealistic beauty standards and negatively impacting mental health.

8. What is the difference between Looksmaxxing and plastic surgery?

While both looksmaxxing and plastic surgery aim to improve one's appearance, looksmaxxing is a broader concept that includes both surgical and non-surgical methods, along with lifestyle and behavioral changes. Plastic surgery specifically refers to surgical procedures that alter one's physical appearance.

9. Can Looksmaxxing improve one's social or professional life?

Improvements in appearance can sometimes enhance social and professional opportunities due to the "halo effect," where attractive individuals are often perceived more positively. However, this is not a guarantee, and the pursuit of looksmaxxing for these reasons can lead to unrealistic expectations.

10. Are there legal or ethical concerns associated with Looksmaxxing?

Legal and ethical concerns about looksmaxxing include the potential exploitation of vulnerable individuals, particularly minors, and the promotion of harmful practices. There is also a debate about the ethics of radically altering one's appearance for superficial gains and the societal implications of these changes.